Victoire de Taillac and Ramdane Touhami, co-founders of Officine Universelle Buly, have something of the time traveller in them. A kind of vocation for transmission, both inspired by the excellence and virtues of the past and eager to secure beauty’s heritage with the best of the present. Their profound passion for ancestral savoir faire and hygiene and beauty routines from all over the world was made concrete with the opening of Officine Universelle Buly, 6 rue Bonaparte in the 6th arrondissement, in 2014. A veritable bastion against the disappearance of the world’s beauty heritage. And a dispensary offering simple, precious, efficient, respectful, modest or legendary products, gathered from History and Travel.
Conceived in Paris, formulated in a French laboratory, the skin-care products and perfumes designed by Buly make up a peerless and timeless experience. Building a bridge between natural ingredients, the teachings from ancient recipes, and the innovative technologies of contemporary cosmetics, they promote an approach to beauty that is personal, intimate and bespoke, through which each person elaborates their own rituals and develops their own skill set. A beauty that makes them want to take time for themselves, to explore every recipe, every texture, every ingredient or every tool to make it their own. A functional beauty that doesn’t neglect the aesthetic pleasure given by a product, its container, or an accessory. A form of beauty humanised, resurrected, and purified.
Today, Buly continues to travel the world in its ongoing mission of promoting art de vivre, liberté, beauté.